Celebrating Panamanian Style


*This weekend I was watching the World Cup 2018 with hubby. England vs. Panama.  The team from Panama scores a goal and the crowd in the stadium and in every viewing party around the world goes wild in celebration.

You would think it was the Championship match and the goal solidified a win of the entire tournament.

In reality, Panama was losing 6-0 and the goal made the score 6-1 England.

But, it was Panama’s first trip to the World Cup, beating out the United States, in fact, and this was their first goal in a World Cup. Even though they were getting spanked by England they celebrated their personal accomplishment nonetheless.

It made me think of how I don’t celebrate anything anymore.  Not my birthday, not the holidays, nothing. I can’t remember the last time I actually “celebrated” anything, big or small.

I recently lost 5 pounds after 6 months of the scale not moving. what did I do when I stepped on the scale and saw that once again the number went down? I did a reserved fist pump.  Seem like an understatement considering how long I’ve been trying to get the scale not only to move but keep going down. And finally, week after week, the scale hands me a win. I should be celebrating Panamanian style.

It got me thinking. I can sit here and smile as I watch them celebrate but if it were me my first response would not be to celebrate. I’ve never been that person to find joy in small things. Even as an underdog, the new girl on the team, an extra in a big film I never found the joy in just being there. What would life be like if I celebrated more. Take joy in the journey. Celebrate the small victories instead of letting the end goal weigh heavy on me.

I should watch it every morning to remind myself to celebrate small victories in a big way. What would life be like?

I don’t know if I’ll ever get to the point where I’m this happy over a first step, it’s just not in my nature, but I strive to be and I’m appreciative of the reminder. Thanks Panama. 😊

*originally posted on MilesMillas.com on June 26, 2018.